It's time to Share Your Testimony.

Communicating how you entered into a relationship with Jesus Christ is vitally important. As you prepare your thoughts, take some time to tell us more about that experience. We recognize that someone's path to salvation may often contain information that needs to be kept confidential or may be sensitive in nature. For the sake of confidentiality, your Information will sent directly to the Elders upon submission.

Composing Your Testimony

While you have the freedom to compose your testimony in any form that you deem appropriate, many have found it easier to share their story of grace and faith by breaking down their testimony into the following three stages:

Before I believed upon Christ

Describe your value system, motivations and lifestyle prior to your conversion. Identify the events and circumstances that caused you to consider Jesus Christ as the solution to your spiritual need and ultimately led to you trusting in Him alone as your Savior. In some cases, this may have taken place over a long period of time.

How I received Christ

Please include the specific steps that you took to become a Christian and why you believe that you have eternal life. As much as possible, try to avoid religious lingo or church clichés (e.g., “I asked Jesus into my heart”, etc.) as this will prepare you to communicate your story more clearly and biblically to your friends.

After I received Christ:

Describe the difference that Christ has made in your thinking, motivation, values, and actions. For some, this may be a dramatic change from the “before” description. For others who accepted Christ at an early age, this step will allow you to think through and describe how your life is different from what it could have been and to describe the transformation that is continuing to take place in your life. In either case, please state what assurances that you have of forgiveness and eternal life.

We understand that this may be the first time you have written out your testimony, which can be challenging. If you need help, please feel free to contact our Pastor via phone, text, or e-mail:
Van Loomis:

The elders look forward to reading your story of faith, and we hope that you will take the time to share it with someone else who may not know the truth of the gospel.


We as so glad that you are seeking to join our church family!

Below, you will share your testimony with the church Elders. This information is not saved on our website and will be sent directly to our Elders.

Spiritual Experiences

Ministry Experiences

Painful Experiences

Relationship With Christ