"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him."
2 Chronicles 16:9a
Event Registration:
The Lord’s Day
Sunday School
9:30 am
Worship Service
10:45 am
Community Groups
1 pm & 6 pm

Van Loomis
Pastor & Teacher
Van Loomis is married to April and has been blessed with three children and five grandchildren. He was called to be the pastor of RGBC in 2005.

Dr. Marvin Jones
Marvin Jones is married to Karen Jones and has 4 daughters and 2 grandchildren. He is a charter member and one of the original elders of RGBC in 2000.

LTC (Ret.) Mike Thompson
Mike Thompson is married to Kathleen and has been blessed with two daughters and nine grandchildren. Mike was ordained as an elder for RGBC in February 2024.